Saturday 28 March 2015

Module 1: Task 2b - Journal Writing Experience

Based on the Reid and Mood framework, which methods have you found most beneficial and why? 
- The evalutation method gives me relevant questions for my practice and allows me to give detail on the event and my thoughts whilst still being specific. 
- The list method allows me to quickly write down any important points during the day when I don't have much time. I can then come back to it later and reflect on it in more detail.
- The 'Another View' method is something I have used once in order to try and dig deeper into my subconcious and bring up thoughts that I initially wouldn't have written down. I would like to use this again but I don't believe it's necessary to use it everyday. 

What topics do you keep returning to?
- Behavioural Management is a topic that I regularly write about and reflect upon as it's something I encounter everyday. I like to reflect on the techniques I currently use and approaches I can try on another occassion.

Is there a method you might wish to develop? 
- A method that is not mentioned in the Reid and Moon framework is the use of voice of recording. This is something I have found very useful as I connect with it better that written words. 
- A way I would like to explore to develop this method, is through the use of 'vlogging'. Being able to film myself reflecting on an event or day and upload it to YouTube would be a great way to receive advice and helpful feedback. 
- Ethical considerations will involve the use of pseudonyms for any names mentioned and also for the account to be made private allowing only other members of the BAPP Arts course to be able to view it.

Has anything emerged from the events in your journal?
- Questions have emerged from my reflections on behavioural management. What method of behavioural management works best? This is something I want to explore further.
- I have been challenging myself to use 'reflection-in-action' rather than 'reflection-in-action' to improve my professional practice. For example, being able to think on my feet and change something when a particular game or exercise with the children isn't going to plan.
- Another topic that keeps reoccurring in my journal is the questions surrounding music suitability for children. It has lead me to think more deeply on the safety of children's minds when they are subjected to mature content through music and the media. 

1 comment:

  1. Ellie - thanks for this - many on the course who are going into teaching make use of the time to hone their skills - sounds like behavioural management is an interest - look at Chiara's blog for ideas
