Saturday 28 February 2015

Module 1: Task 1d - 2D Images

For this task, I created a Flickr account and uploaded any photos that were relevant to any of my work associated with performing arts. I've never used Flickr before, but it seems similar to another application I use for photo uploads called Instagram. It will be useful to have a separate platform to upload photos on, that I can use purely for professional reasons. From the lessons learnt in one of my previous posts, this will allow me to keep clear boundaries between my professional career and social life. Feel free to view these photos and comment feedback.

Images and audio-visual are extremely important to the performing arts industry, regardless of which field. I have picked out some particular tools which I personally believe to be most important. 

Every professional knows it is essential to have professional headshots. As previously mentioned within my post relating to CV's, it is the first thing a casting director sees when making decisions on who should attend an audition. Therefore, this photo of you needs to be a clear and realistic representation of what you actually look like. They need to be updated regularly in order to stay effective. It's helpful to have a variety of shots to allow choice and the ability to have photos that suit different styles of auditions. Headshot's represent you.

The use of images and audio-visual are essential for advertisement be it for a dance school or for yourself. It's a great way to show the general public what they can expect from said dance school and can be an interesting way of standing out from potential competitors. When advertising yourself as a performer, an audio-visual show reel is essential in today's industry. It gives potential employers of any description an opportunity to see what you are capable of as a performer. 

Correction and Progression
As a teacher, audio-visuals can be a great tool. It can be hard for pupils to always understand and fix corrections, especially if using a hall without mirrors. Being able to film the pupils and have them see their corrections for themselves can sometimes be the answer. If filming pupils regularly, it can act as a way of seeing clear progression and improvement of their work. 

Rehearsal and Memorisation 
As a teacher and performer, l find it useful to have audio-visual as a way of rehearsing and memorising material. Repeatedly watching a video is a sure way of remembering it for the next rehearsal. Similar to my previous notes about correction and progression, being able to see things as they would be when performed can be very benefical to the improvement of the piece.

Tutorials and Advice
As well as creating, sharing and using your own audio-visuals, social media allows us to access other public videos. I find YouTube to be an incredible resource when I'm looking for tutorials or advice within  performing arts. If I need to learn a song, it's a great way to see varied interpretations to help with the decisions within my own performance. There are videos for audition advice, tutorials on learning different singing styles, tutorials for performing arts games for chidren; the list is endless. Anything you could possibly need is at your disposal. 

Inspiration and Ideas
I often find myself using very similar styles and steps for routines I choreograph for my students. It can be hard to constantly think of original and exciting material for the students to learn. I turn to YouTube and Facebook and the use of videos for inspiration and ideas. Watching videos can instantly give me that burst of brain power needed to create fresh material for my students. It allows me to see what's current and on-trend and therefore my students feel that what they are learning is relevant. 

Although I find audio-visuals to be the most beneficial for research and aid within my work in performing arts, there are websites that I enjoy looking through for other inspiration. These website are based mainly around the sharing of 2D images and articles.

Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram
I use all of these websites for inspiration and ideas in other areas of my life; cooking, health and nutrition, fitness, craft, amongst other things. These websites allow you to upload your own pictures as well as share and comment other people's uploads. Although I only use these for personal uses at the moment, I would like to explore how these could be used within a professional context to help with research within my career. 

Like all things related to the internet, there are things that need to be considered when using these image and audio-visual tools. 

Privacy should always be considered when posting content of any kind. Especially if it's on a form of social media that you wish to keep for personal uses. Photos and videos can be quite personal, therefore it's up to you to make sure you have the desired privacy settings in operation.

Photoshop Deceit
Something many internet users forget is the use of photoshop and airbrushing. I worry for young people who see airbrushed and photoshopped celebrities and see this as the 'perfection' they aspire to be. These images create pressures to look a certain way. It is unrealistic and can damage self esteem when 'normal photos don't have the same outcome. Photoshop is a brilliant programme for editing photos, but it's being taken advantage of every day. 

Asthetic Judgements 
With the high use of images and audio-visuals throughout social media, it does promote judgements based primarily on looks. Again, this creates a huge amount of pressure on social media users to look and be photographed a certain way. This can be damaging to self-esteem and self-image; something I find worrying for the future of young people. 


  1. Eleanor,

    I have taken a look at the images you have uploaded. I really like the variety of photos you have selected and I think they really represent you as a professional.

    I think you have made a great decision to create a new account. With all the research we have been conducting into the dangers of Web 2.0, it seems sensible to keep personal and professional life separate. I will also be creating a new account for this task. I was wondering, in your opinion, which is better as a professional platform Instagram of Flickr?

    I have found this task the most challenging so far, therefore I appreciated reading all the detail you have added into this blog post. In particular, I liked how you addressed the issue of photoshop and aesthetic judgement.

    Many thanks,


    1. Thanks for your comment, Jess.

      I think for me personally, I prefer the use of Flickr as a professional platform for photo uploads. Although Instagram is hugely popular, I hear my students regularly mentioning the application. Therefore, I feel it is important to keep my personal Instagram entirely separate. Creating a professional Instagram may put my personal account in danger of being discovered by those I do not wish to see it. I use Instagram as a social media for keeping up with friends and family.

      I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

      Best wishes,

    2. Thanks, Eleanor. I decided to create a Flickr account after much deliberation, so I am glad that you agree that is it a good professional platform.

      I think your objectives are very clear on professionalism and it's good to see that you are consciously thinking about ethical issues involved.

      Many thanks,

  2. Thanks Ellie - I like the blogs and your explanations - they relate well to your selection - you have a variety of skills and are showing that variety - as you say there are differing purposes for visuals - which are you favourites? why? which do you use most often / why?

  3. Thanks for commenting, Paula.

    My favourite use of visual would definitely have to be video, particularly YouTube. In my opinion, it is the best representation for the advertisement of yourself or a business. Not only can you base judgement on the footage and content of the video, but also on the editing and visual affects used. YouTube itself is so easily accessible. I use it for inspiration, ideas, music, news, television programmes, tutorials, literally everything.

    Funnily enough, it isn't what I use the most for myself. My headshots are what I have most regularly used for job applications and self advertisement on websites. I hope this course will encourage me to incorporate the use of video more often.

    Best wishes,
